Environmental protection


Exhaust pollutants (sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter) produced during the production process. After being treated by ceramic multi-tube, bag removal, water curtain spray, high-voltage static treatment, etc., it meets the national furnace air pollutant discharge standard GB 13271-2014 and the comprehensive emission standard for air pollutants GB16297-1996

On-line monitoring system for sewage discharge, on-line monitoring of COD, ammonia nitrogen, PH, flow, and enthalpy all day long, and improving wastewater treatment through online data, reaching the water pollutant discharge standard GB 4287-2012 of textile dyeing and finishing industry and urban sewage in Taihu Lake area Limits of major water pollutants discharged from treatment plants and key industrial sectors DB 32/1072-2007

Water reuse design processing capacity 3000T / day


  Green production

  The company pays attention to the management of the production site, has a sound internal control management system and ERP management system, and passes the “three simultaneous” acceptance of clean production in Suzhou. In order to do a good job in energy saving, emission reduction and resource recycling, the company recycles and reuses the microfiber open fiber PTA, and reuses the printing and dyeing process. The company has invested heavily in water reuse, boiler technical reform and waste gas treatment projects, and meets the social responsibility requirements of energy conservation, emission reduction and environmental protection.。